Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sat 3/6/2010: Cathy Halley, Erica Adams, and Tim Jones-Yelvington

please join us for our second event, featuring CATHY HALLEY, ERICA ADAMS, and TIM JONES-YELVINGTON.

march 9, 2010
7 p.m.
las manos gallery
5520 n clark st


CATHY HALLEY is the online editor at the Poetry Foundation. She's also a collage artist and writer whose poems have appeared in Pocket Myths, and that's about it, because she doesn't have the stomach to try to publish, and won't expect to before she's dead. Rather than spelling this all out, she was going to make a joke about how her book of poems is forthcoming from Posthumous Press, but then you'd all go scurrying to Google that instead of Pocket Myths, which deserves the attention. She's at work on an episodic memoir, a bunch of filthy stories and an historical novel set in WWII Greece.

ERICA ADAMS is a 500-year-old witch living in a 27-year-old body.

TIM JONES-YELVINGTON is a Program Associate at Crossroads Fund, a foundation that supports community organizations working on issues of social and economic justice in the Chicago area. His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Artifice, Sleepingfish, Annalemma, Keyhole, Monkeybicycle, PANK, SmokeLong Quarterly, Storyglossia and others. He blogs at Ejaculations of a Perverse Adult and contributes to Big Other.

pictures from first event

Las Manos Gallery, 1/9/2010
all photos courtesy Mieke Zuiderweg

M. Shelly Conner

Megan Milks

Mecca Sullivan

thank you!